Bog and Moraine
Esterwegen in the 21st Century
Since 1973, the villages of Esterwegen, Bockhorst, Breddenberg, Hilkenbrook and Surwold are joined in and together form the community of Nordhümmling. As an officially certified recreational area, Esterwegen offers active vacations for hiking and bicycling but also for leisure and relaxation. Erika Lake is an attractive destination with its youth camping sites for over 400 people and many camper van sites. The mini-golf course, skateboarding park, adventure playground and barbequing site ensures that kids and teenagers never get bored. Those who enjoy something a little unique will enjoy the archery range. The new MoorInfoPath and the excursion destination of Esterweger Dose enable you to experience and become fascinated by this habitat. The close proximity to Papenburg enables convenient regional day trips and lets you experience fen cultivation up close.
You get a moving impression of Esterwegen and the joint municipality of Nordhümmling in the truest sense of the word with the image film of the municipalities. A trailer makes you want to visit Esterwegen..
Tip: To see the photo captions, hold your mouse over the image. If you’re using a Smartphone leave your finger on the image. A larger image will pop up if you click it. | Website of the recreation centre of Esterwegen | Website of the joint community of Nordhümmling | Website of the Esterwegen memorial site | Website of the Esterwegen convent
Tourist-Information Esterwegen | ÖOpening hours and information from the Esterwegen tourist office on the Nordhümmling website
Schmidt-Czaia, Bettina (Hrsg.): Esterwegen 1223 – 1999: „Moor und Heide nur ringsum…?“. Gemeinde Esterwegen (1999), ISBN: 3-00-0044441-8, also available directly from the Community of Esterwegen.